To enhance awareness level and build capacity of society so that people can identify their needs and solve the issues and facilitate rural reconstruction through the efforts of community
To main stream deprive vulnerable excluded group of the society.
To promote gender equity based developed society.
To develop skills among youths for self-employment
To promote and do advocacy for the concerns and rights of children and women
To promote for optimal utilization of locally available resources for sustainable development
To develop skills among youths for self-employment
To developed people’s capacity to ensure food security and sustainable livelihood.
To encourage people to participate in local governance, not just as representatives but also accountable for the Govt. services and development schemes.
To establish alliances between people’s group, the Govt. & Development agencies with a view to rural reconstruction.
पाकुड़ जिले के महेशपुर प्रखंड के पांच विद्यालयों को मिला पुरस्कार उपायुक्त कुलदीप चौधरी ने गुरुवार को समाहरणालय स्थित सभागार में जिले के चयनित विद्यालयों के प्रधानध्यापको को शौपा प्रमाण पत्र एवं मोमेंटो ।
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